Ludovic Florent

Ludovic FLORENT was born in 1976 in the North of France. A graduate of an engineering school, he settled in Metz 20 years ago. He became an «author photographer» in 2009.

His love of dance and light direct him towards artistic projects based on body expression, with a graphic, subtle and sensual approach.

He multiplied in a few years the exhibitions in Galeries d’Art in Metz, Luxembourg, Paris, Lille, Nantes, Bordeaux and Lyon …. And publications in the national and international press. In 2014 he exhibited at the European Festival of the Photography of Nu in Arles, his series «Poussières d’étoiles»

The human relationship, through dialogue, trust, sharing, is at the foundation of his approach which is defined as a co-creation with his model.

The love of work well done, the sense of detail and finishes, artistic and aesthetic research are at the heart of his commitment.

Text: Ludovic Florent


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